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第二次世界停戦中に建造された空母で、戦後に蒸気カタパルトを設置した為に連続使用すると速度が低下する艦があると聞きました。 建造当時はボイラーで作った蒸気をカタパルトに使用する事を想定していないので当然だとは思いますが、連続使用とは何十秒に一回の使用なのでしょうか? また、低下する速度とは何ノット程度でしょうか。 あああ |
Aircraft Carriers
Departure/recovery types
There are three types of departure and recovery operations, which are referred to as case I, case II, and case III. Primary responsibility for adherence to the departure rests with the pilot; however, advisory control is given by the ship's Departure Control radar operators, including when dictated by weather conditions.
Case I
When it is anticipated that flights will not encounter instrument conditions (instrument meteorological conditions) during daytime departures/recoveries, and the ceiling and visibility around the carrier are no lower than 3,000 feet (910 m) and 5 nautical miles (9.3 km; 5.8 mi) respectively.
Immediately after becoming airborne, aircraft raise their landing gear and perform "clearing turns" to the right off the bow and to the left off the waist catapults. This ~10° check turn is to increase separation of (near) simultaneously launched aircraft from the waist/bow catapults. After the clearing turn, aircraft proceed straight ahead paralleling the ship's course at 500 feet (150 m) until 7 nautical miles (13 km; 8.1 mi). Aircraft are then cleared to climb unrestricted in visual conditions.
Case II
When it is anticipated that flights may encounter instrument conditions during a daytime departure/recovery, and the ceiling and visibility in the carrier control zone are no lower than 1,000 feet (300 m) and 5 nautical miles (9.3 km; 5.8 mi) respectively. Used for an overcast condition.
After a clearing turn, aircraft proceed straight ahead at 500 feet paralleling ship's course. At 7 nautical miles (13 km; 8.1 mi), aircraft turn to intercept a 10-nmi arc about the ship, maintaining visual conditions until established outbound on their assigned departure radial, at which time they are free to climb through the weather. The 500-foot (150 m) restriction is lifted after 7 nautical miles (13 km; 8.1 mi) if the climb can be continued in visual conditions.
Case III
When it is anticipated that flights will encounter instrument conditions during a departure/recovery because the ceiling or visibility around the carrier are lower than 1,000 feet (300 m) and 5 nautical miles (9.3 km; 5.8 mi) respectively; or for night time departures/recoveries.
A minimum launch interval of 30 seconds is used between aircraft, which climb straight ahead. At 7 nautical miles (13 km; 8.1 mi), they turn to fly the 10-nmi arc until intercepting their assigned departure radial.
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